Our approach to Yoga

A divine light shines within you. In fact, it shines within all beings. To experience this is to be in a state of Yoga.

The method of Yoga we teach at Hale Pule shows you this deeper understanding of your true nature. Whether we are teaching asana, pranayama, meditation, mudra or mantra, you will learn to find this light inside and open your heart to limitless joy.

You’ll find many ways to start or deepen your Yoga practice at Hale Pule. Join us for a Yoga teacher training, sign up for a one-on-one Yoga consultation or take our unique online course, A State of Yoga: Foundation in Practice and Understanding. No matter where you begin, you will embark on an inward journey. Through this process you’ll learn how to incorporate Yoga into all aspects of your life – your relationships, your career and your personal spiritual practice – and reshape your understanding of who you are.


Holistic Yoga with Hale Pule

Myra Lewin practicing yoga meditation

Meditation: the Intuitive Energy Practice



Our approach to asana

Asana, the physical postures we do on a Yoga mat, help us gain balance and flexibility in our bodies so we can find the same in our minds. While there are many modern interpretations of the asanas, our classically-based method is grounded in breath and a deep understanding of musculoskeletal alignment. The approach builds strength from within and offers a way to avoid injury and enjoy practice for your entire life.

The asanas are one important element in a balanced Yoga practice. We use them in combination with pranayama, mantra, mudra and meditation. The result is an approach that addresses the physical, emotional and energetic levels of being and opens us up to experience all that life has to offer.

The journey through the 200-hour teacher training was ultimately a journey within. I came away with tools to help me restore calmness to my mind, ease of movement in my body and refresh my spirit. I feel changed, as if outer layers have been washed away, making way for fresh new awareness to rise.
— M.M, Hawaii
Myra Lewin in Urdhva Dhanurasana, photo by Hannah Gibbs of Nagnata


About Hale Pule's Yoga training

The practices of Yoga date back more than 5,000 years. This endless well of wisdom shares ways to enjoy a more fulfilling life. When you study Yoga with us, you’ll learn to practice and teach raja Yoga, or the royal path.

This holistic approach leaves no aspect of living unaddressed. The eight limbs of Yoga is the foundation, offering guidance on the yamas (how we behave in the world), niyamas (how we treat ourselves), asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (management of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (union with the Divine). All of our Yoga training incorporates the principles of Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga.

Whether we are leading a Yoga teacher training or offering video Yoga consultations, our goal is to prepare you to have a personalized home practice. Our model asks students to first bring the teachings into their own lives, then return to Hale Pule when they are ready to take the next step. This is the traditional model of learning Yoga, and its transformational possibilities have been realized for thousands of years.

The training gave me the strength and internal resources I needed to simply be in the world.
— JS, California

Myra Lewin in gomukasana, photo by Hannah Gibbs of Nagnata

Myra Lewin has studied for more than two decades with incredible Yoga teachers from around the world, including Pattabhi Jois, Sandra Summerfield Kozak, Ramanand Patel, Richard Freeman and many others. She first began a Yoga practice after receiving an “incurable” diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. As a beginner, her body was so inflexible that she could not even lift her arms above her head. But with proper guidance and daily practice, she brought her body to a place of suppleness and comfort. Her personal experience has shaped her teaching style, and she now teaches students to accept their starting points and offers safe guidance for steady advancement.

After many years of studying Yoga, Myra embraced Ayurveda as a natural complement to a life guided by balance. Her teachings weave together the two sciences in the way they were intended to be experienced -- as the foundation of life.



Learn Yoga online